Feb. 7th, 2009 His Birthday! 0 weeks, 0 days
Well, I officially got one full day of maternity leave before my little guy decided to enter this world. That just means more time with him! I wrote up a little synopsis of how he decided to enter this world...(for those who are interested)
(I had told Curtis when I got closer to my due date, I was going to pack my bags for the hospital in the car and start spending the night at his mom's house when he was at work just so I wasn't alone if I went into labor in the middle of the night. Friday night, Feb. 6th was the first night I spent at his mom's...and a good thing it was...)
3:30am: I awoke to a pop...a rather loud one. For some reason I jumped out of bed (probably startled at the sound) and as soon as I stood up, it was clearly obvious what had happened...my water had broken.
3:45am: I called the hospital to get their suggestion on how long they thought I should wait before coming in...then I called Curtis at work and told him he'd better come quickly.
4am: I called mom in Southern CA to tell her that my water had just broke. She hung up the phone to pack and buy a plane ticket online in order to make it up here as soon as she could.
4:15am: The contractions started
5am: Curtis arrived at his mom's house to hop in the car and head to the hospital
5:30am: Arrived at the hospital where they decided that yes, my water had broke and I was officially in labor (was pretty much a given I thought!)
5:45am: Hopped in the jacuzzi tub...oh so nice
6:15am: Midwife showed up and checked me...already 7cm dialated!
6:15:30seconds: The back labor started...Curtis did a great job of taking the nurse's instruction on how to help relieve it while I tried all different positions to try and turn my baby's head (his head turned cockeyed and sitting on my spine was what was causing me so much pain).
8:30am: Dialated to 10cm...time to start pushing!
10:34am: After some long hard pushing, trying new positions, and lots of coaching from the nurse, my midwife, Curtis and my sister, little WILLIAM WAYNE GANT (finally!)decided to enter into this world...What a relief!
6lbs 10 ounces
20 inches
10:35am: Little William graced us with his presence into this world by taking his first pee all over us both (o:
I can't even describe what a proud mom I am. There aren't any words to express the emotions you get when you become a mom and they put that baby into your arms for the first time. I didn't know what to feel so I just hugged and loved and kept touching my son after they laid him on my chest. He was perfect and I couldn't have been more blessed. Thank you Lord for the painful and yet such incredible experience that produced the miracle You've allowed me to call my son.