Feb. 12th, 2009 My little glow worm 0 weeks, 5 days
I got a call early this morning from the lab saying that William's bili level was 20.5. The lactation consultant yesterday, knowing that I was a nurse, had given me a website that did bili calculations to categorize the degree of risk and method of treatment associated with what the lab value was (www.bilitool.org). According to the website, he was considered high risk. I waited for a call from the doctor's office to explain what we were to do.
They wanted him to be under bili lights for at least 24hours. The nice thing was that they told me they could send equipment out to the house so that we wouldn't have to be admitted back into the hospital. Apria Healthcare came out, set up the light and instructed us on how to use it. We have to keep it on him 24hours a day with only small breaks to change a diaper. It's a little inconvenient having to keep him hooked up to a machine all the time, but whatever it takes to get him better. If he's gotta have the lights, I think the pics of my little glow worm are pretty cute (o:
Got a call from the doctor later in the day saying we needed to take him in tomorrow for a follow up bili level. We'll wait at the hospital until the doctor recieves the result and decides if he's doing okay. In the meantime it's eat, eat, eat, poop,poop,poop...I might let him sleep a little inbetween (o: