
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Pool

I can't say I would've thought of doing something like this, but leave it to Curtis to come up with a super fun idea for the boys.  We spent our tax money on a pool this year.  Mark Teeter brought his excavator over to help us level a portion of our field that would fit it.  I  can't say it was an easy feat, but I'm sure all of the fun days of swimming to come will more than make up for it.  Next, paying for at least half of it to be filled by a water truck so we don't drain our well!

Baby Chicks!

The long awaited baby chicks!  The boys have been asking for new chickens since we moved in.  So when the day arrived, they were a bit excited to say the least.  We decided on five and each of the boys got to pick out one they would call their own.  We ended up with a Buff Brahma, White Leghorn, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Easter Egger Ameraucana and a Novogen.  I have to say...the little chick chirp is pretty darn cute.  Now to build a coop... So proud!  He's gotten a lot more brave to hold them from when we last had chickens. Who's more cute?! Having animals=life lessons.  His little Leghorn that he named 'Pickle' ended up dying the next day.  He was sad, but quickly got over it when he found out we could get another one at the store (o;