Jan. 27th, 2009 Already progressing... 36 weeks 5 days

I had another doctor's appointment today. This time I was really curious as to if my midwife would check me to see if I'd progressed at all. I had told Curtis over the weekend that I had just felt "different" lately...little sharp muscle twinges "down there", braxton hicks contractions that were felt a lot lower and definitely more frequent than before. Having never gone through all this before, it's always the "I wonder if this is it..." question. My midwife checked me and said I was already 2cm dialted and 80% effaced! Of course, I could stay that way for weeks, but it's nice to know that things are progressing and that what I was feeling was actually by body making some changes. When I left the apt., I thought...it could be any day now.
When I called mom and dad to tell them about the apt., dad made sure to let me know that I needed to hang on for a couple more weeks. He's right in the midst of his busy time at work with bee runs and it would be hard for him to get away any sooner. I told him, "Right. I'll let him know he can't come out for another two weeks." Sorry dad, he'll come when he comes! We can hope though that it all works out with his work.


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