Jan. 13th, 2009 Midwife's concerns 34 weeks 6 days

I had another doctor's appointment today. This is will be my last 2 week appointment before I start seeing the midwives every week until I deliver. As always, they weigh me, make me pee in a cup, measure me and listen to his heartbeat (I always love that part!). I'm measuring fine and his heartbeat was resting in the 120's. The only concern my midwife had was that I hadn't gained any weight the past two weeks and my overall weight gain has only been 18 pounds throughout the pregnancy. I told her I was surprised, as I felt like I had gotten bigger! I explained how lately it had been difficult to eat, as a lot of the time nothing really sounds good. I feel like I am back in the first trimester (not so nauseous thankfully!) where I eat something because I know I should not because I feel hungry. Plus, my stomach size has definitely shrunk a bit as the belly's grown making eating a meal pretty difficult! She recommended small frequent meals with something like protein bars in between to help keep up on the calories and nutrition.

After the appointment I felt overwhelmingly sad; like I hadn't fulfilled my duty as a mom in making sure my kiddo was getting enough nutrition to grow healthfully. My midwife scheduled an ultrasound at the hospital next week to check his growth. I pray all is well. In the meantime, I'll be trying to bump up my calories! Curtis and I enjoyed "Big Burger" in Molalla for dinner before our Life Group- bacon cheeseburger, curly fries, shake...not that I'll be doing that every night, but I was thankful that I was hungry and that it tasted good.

*(I haven't had to worry about him not moving around enough...He's definitely an active little guy! I think he's burning all my calories up! All of his limbs hang out on the left side. Sometimes it feels like he's wrapped around my entire body-like I can feel him around my side all the way to my back. It's a sensation that there are no words to describe and only a mother would even come close to comprehending.)


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