Jan. 10th, 2009 What it's like being pregnant... 34 weeks 1 day

Multiple people have asked me about the uncomfortabilities of being pregnant. I figured it would make a good post...

I can't say I've gotten very big. So far I've only gained 18 pounds and my belly hasn't popped out there a whole lot until really this past month. The pictures of my belly are finally starting to catch up with how I feel I look. It's crazy how fast this kid can grow now that he's got limited time left in the cooker!

Along with the growing belly comes the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy:

-Of course those first 3 months weren't anything too exciting. I was overjoyed that I was pregnant (after waiting for quite some time) but could barely stand getting up in the morning. I remember getting in the shower before heading to work (when I was still working days) and just lying flat on the bottom of the tub with the shower water pelting me...I only felt good when I'd lay flat.

-I haven't been able to sleep on my tummy for quite a few months now. I've described it like trying to lay on a basketball...not real pleasant.

-I've dealt with mild varicrose veins even before I was pregnant. The pressure of my son in my belly haven't made my legs any less achy. And trying to find some support hose that don't cut into my belly...good luck (o: I think I've finally found a lead on some "Maternity" Support Hose I can order from a local pharmacy...watch, they probably won't come in until after he's born!

-Breathing has gotten a little more difficult. I stopped running earlier on in my pregnancy because of how nauseous and out of breath I would feel when I tried to run. A friend even noticed during my second trimester that I sounded out of breath over the phone during a long conversation. Now, I eat too much at one sitting and my lungs feel tight inside of me. It's amazing I can still breath with how he's shoved my lungs and every other organ to the side!

-Tiredness...I feel like I'm back in the first trimester again. I remember feeling like I couldn't catch up on my sleep no matter how many naps I took during the first 3 months. That feeling's starting to come back. Working night shift hasn't made it any easier-trying to sleep during the day and my schedule being all out of wack on the nights I work. I guess it takes rest to grow a kid! Who would have thought!

-When I'm hungry, I'm hungry! I can't say I eat a lot. People have told me that since I've been pregnany I'm finally eating like a normal person (o: I tell you, the hunger pains are a lot different being pregnant. I can start to feel hungry and my body doesn't waste time in screaming that it needs food now! I start to feel weak, lethargic, a heaviness in my legs and clammy in my palms quick.

-He always seems to wiggle his foot into my right lung. Beyond how incredibly weird this actually feels, it can be a bit painful at times too. Especially when he decides to throw a quick, unexpected jab my way! I've never had to worry that he hasn't been active enough in the womb.

Really, a woman could complain all day...

All in all, I love it. Being pregnant and experiencing each one of these symptoms only reminds me that I'm about to become a mother-someone who has to be willing to give up their own comfortabilities as a sacrifice for her child. It continually amazes me that my own body can be used to store and grow another human being. It's amazing my body doesn't just fall apart! God is truly incredible in how He has chosen to develop the miracle of life. As a woman, I am fortunate to now know personally, how truly amazing this process of development is. I wouldn't trade a day to be any less uncomfortable than I am right now. As I sit here, he's moving inside of me, reminding me that he's all worth it. I can't wait until I can finally meet him.


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