Jan. 20th, 2009 So much bigger now... 35 weeks 5 days

I went into my doctor's office today as planned for my next apt. only to find out that my midife had just left to deliver a baby at the hospital. Couldn't weigh in to see how I'm doing on bumping up the calories, but I was scheduled for an ultrasound at the hospital that we got to go to.
It was definitely exciting seeing him so much bigger on the screen. The ultrasound tech showed us each body part (he's a boy for sure!) and then looked at my fluid levels and placenta. Of course she didn't say much, even with all the questions I asked, but she did reassure us that everything looked good. I was really curious as to how big she thought he was at this point. He's sitting head down with his hands clasping his feet all up by my left lung (of course that warrants a few kicks in the heart too!). She scrolled down to his face and started chuckling. You could see his nose all squished up against the side of my belly. She said "He just doesn't have a whole lot of room in there does he?!" Don't think my son's going to be very big.


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