If you know me, you know how much I love to get my hands in the dirt and see things grow. I guess it's all thanks to growing up on a farm where I was surrounded by growth. I don't call myself an expert by any means, but when you find something you love to do, it's a joy to learn and try new things.
The winds around our place have proven to be no match for an $80 greenhouse of which we've had two of over the past few years. Both broke and toppled over our fence, even after being properly tied down...and sandbagged. This year we decided to pull out the big guns. Well, I say "we" but really I need to emphasize my husband here. Don't let him EVER convince you he's not handy. He's handy in all forms of the word. And here's another product of this handiness...
The coming together of a greenhouse
I love seeing My man help his little men learn how to work. |
A project isn't a project in the NW without a little rain (o; |
Once the roof went up, it started looking real! We were close! |
And complete...All it needs is plants (o; |
Here's to all the horticultural possibilities of a greenhouse!
Gardening is a big part of our year.
As always, I love to get the boys involved. And they love the dirt...
This year we decided to put together a worm bin with an old wheelbarrow. Harvesting worms from our old compost pile and transplanting them into the bin...could be up their as a boy's favorite activity ever!
As a result, William is officially over his fear of holding worms...lots of them. |
Don't let this picture fool you. He touched his fair share of worms.
I also had to put a stop to him making more worms by pulling them in half )o; |
Ever since Curtis allowed William to "run" the tiller last year, he hasn't forgotten about it. Other than helping him navigate the turning around of a machine that's twice his size, he does a great job running it! (And don't worry, we don't stray too far)
As always, LOTS of weeding (which is even still such an understatement) |
Helping stake posts! |
The love I have for my husband...Building me yet another garden box. |
Always loves to help (as well as get rides around the property)! |
We had a GREAT strawberry harvest this year. Despite that fact, William told me, "Mom, when I grow up I'm gonna have to work in a strawberry field cause you're gonna need lots more when I get bigger." |
Cherry pitting fun! |
Brenden even got in on the planting this year (o; |
And the manure (thanks Dad for the hook up) proved faithful...The fun part about having a large area to garden is that we grow enough to eat, preserve AND share. I want our boys to learn that what we have the Lord has blessed us with to share. I don't know how many green peppers, tomatoes, carrots and pumpkins we gave away. It always makes me smile to see someone else enjoying the fruits of our labor.
We grew:
Turnips the size of William's head |
LOTS of green beans! |
And buckets of tomatoes!
I didn't take a picture of it, but we had a roma that was the size of my hand with my fingers stretched out. And one potato that I cut in half-one half for one meal and the other half for the next. Oy! I can't take any credit-It's the good Lord who grows these vegetables! |
And how could I forget... We're still pulling out a plethora of kale (o; |
Honestly, I could fill up an entire blog book on gardening and the fun we have outside (o; I know I filled up the canning cupboard this year. I look forward to enjoying it all throughout the year.
I'll leave you with this.
The cutest buns EVER. |