Happy Halloween!

Both boys are fully aware of everything scary that starts arriving in stores as the 31st approaches.  There have been many times they've closed their eyes as we've strolled past something they didn't want to see.  We've had conversations about the reason behind it all and it always provides me an opportunity to explain.  Along with these conversations has also come the opportunity to explain how we view this time of year (and how I grew up celebrating it).

Growing up on a farm, the turn of Fall meant that things outside were wrapping up and Winter was fastly approaching.  The boys understand the work of the blueberries and our garden and how that when it starts raining and getting cold, we don't spend as much time outside.  I remember the anticipation of Dec. as a kid.  Dad wasn't in the fields as much and it meant that our Christmas vacation and road trip to see family was right around the corner.  It's a time of thankfulness for all that God has blessed us with after a season of hard work.  That's exactly how I want them to remember it too.  A fun time to celebrate harvest.

Look at these two cuties enjoying some dress up time (o;

We enjoyed games, food, cousin time and LOTS of candy at Grandma Marsha's church.  Here she is will all her boys (o;

Highly impressed with your lego abilities Auntie Lori!

We always try and make it to the Molalla Communications Picture booth each year.  Curtis wasn't with us, so I took the boys myself.  Typical picture taking session by the Gant boys...This one is SO classic.

And this is why getting professional pictures done just might be a disaster...Maybe when they're teenagers they'll cooperate?


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