Adventures with Little Mouse!

Meet Little Mouse
In William's kindergarten class, Mrs. Ruwitch has a mouse that gets to go on adventures with each of the kids throughout the year.  She sends it with them for the weekend and you're supposed to bring it back on Monday with a little write up of the adventures that Little Mouse had with your child.  Fortunately for William, he got to take Little Mouse home on one of his long weekends which meant even more fun!
Here's all that Little Mouse got to do...
Coloring, coloring and more coloring...One of William's favorite things to do.
He told Mrs. Ruwitch that he taught Little Mouse how to color while he stayed with him (o;

I was pretty impressed with this one!
He went along with William to spend the night at his buddy Evan's house!
The three hooligans
He got to experience the Rescue Boat with Dad!

Spray some water...

And even drive the boat (o;
I'd say that little brother enjoyed him just as much as William did (o;
I created a picture collage with our favorites to put in the book sent back to school.  This is the write up that was included:

William hung onto that mouse until he walked into the classroom.  I think he felt pretty special to get to take him home.  I hadn't realized it, but on the way back to school the Monday we took him back, William drew this picture.  Our drive is less than ten minutes long...He's always impressing me with his artwork.

William and Little Mouse
I think I was most impressed with what happened after William took Little Mouse back to school. When you bring him back, Mrs. Ruwitch has you stand in front of the classroom and describe all that you did.  I happened to be volunteering that day and witnessed William get in front of the entire class and not only explain all of his pictures, but answer other kid's questions...and with enthusiasm!  For those who know him, this was a huge step for him!  Definitely a make mama (and Daddy after we went home and told him) proud moment (o;


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