Daddy's Day!

Here's the card that we sent MY dad (aka Grandpa Greg).  I made part of it and William helped with the rest.  He REALLY wanted to put glitter on it (o;  No rhyme or reason to the layout of the glittering, he just wanted to keep sprinkling and keep sprinkling and keep sprinkling (which of course you know means glitter everywhere!)!  I like how he wrote Grandpa...Kind of a combo of Grandma and Grandpa all in one (o;

And for some reason, I can't get this one to turn right side up!!!  

And here's the card we gave to their Daddy...

Since Dad was at work, we drove to the station to "hand" deliver it to him...As well as play around on the fire Engine (o;

 My boys are so lucky to have the Daddy as well as all the Grandaddy's they do.  I fished this one from my photo list taken a few weeks before Father's Day.  We love you Grandpa Terry!


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