Who needs them anymore?!?!?!?
Here William is showing us where diapers should really be worn...Because he's a BIG BOY that doesn't need them anymore!!!! Since his third birthday in February, we could probably count on one hand the # of accidents he's had during the day. He still wears a pull-up during nap and at bedtime, but I think we're even pretty close to no more accidents at nap time (or "quiet time" as he likes to call it these days...Nap time implies that you have to sleep (even though he pretty much does every time anyways)). All the advice I was given to introduce, teach and then let it ride was what worked for William. We did a lot of "practicing" outside (particularly on trees, weeds, rocks, etc.) this last Summer and then I told myself I wasn't going to push anything too heavily, especially since I knew Calvin was coming in the Fall. Literally, once he turned 3, it was like a light switch flipped on. He got it. And it was his idea. Wet pants, poopy underwear, and a lot of "almost-made-its" later, no more diapers for William. We are SO proud of our big boy!