Misc. Cuteness
There are always so many little things that happen during a day that I just don't want to forget...
So, here's just a random jot down of all those "little things"
William translation (a couple of my favorites):
"Pepoh"=pillow (so therefore his dinosaur pillow pet = "pepoh pet"...too cute)
"Chekup"= ketchup
"Bobin"= bottom (this one is by far my favorite. Especially when he says, "Mom, my "bopin" itches!"
"Pile"= smile (he's not too good at the "s" sound yet (o; )
The other day William got stung by a bee (for the second time in his little life). It got him twice, right on the top of his shoulder. After crying a bit and Mama holding him for awhile, he says through his sobs, "Mom, did the bee put honey in me?" He knows from Gpa Greg that bees make honey...Sweet William just got sweeter (o;
Grandma Marsha told me this story: She was watering her flowers and William asked if she would water him. She wasn't sure what he meant, but she sprinkled a little water on him as he crouched on the ground and he promptly sprouted up exclaiming, "Look Grandma, I grow!"
Just today we drove by a school (one we drive by ALL the time).
William asked, "What's that building?"
Curtis and I were both in the car and one of us replied, "It's a school."
I then asked William, "Are you ready to go to school?"
He replied (with a sheepish little smile and a squeaky little voice), "Not yet Mama, not yet (o; " (His voice's tone was like, "You silly Mom, I'm not old enough for school!").
I know it's gonna be a blink of an eye and his turn will come...Crazy to even think about.
Mr. Calvin broke through his first two teeth right after he turned 6 months, just in time for Mother's Day (which was a surprise for this Mama since William was 10 months before he got any!). #3 and 4 (top two teeth) have broke through the gums just this week and he's figured out how to annoy his mother without even knowing it...He thinks it's fun to grit the top and bottom teeth together. Ahhhh! Can't stand it!
Calvin also decided that he hated tummy time so much that he's now rolling over and has been since May 24th. Yep, and brother thinks it's hilarious to just keep rolling him over, and over like a little snowball (this was actually what William did before Calvin could roll himself...another part of his motivation to do it on his own I'm sure!).
And did I mention that Calvin's sitting up well on his own?! Teeth, rolling over, sitting up, might as well do it all at once! William still thinks that babies should be lying down, so he "helps" Calvin lay down from a sitting position all the time. I've told him it's not nice and that Calvin likes sitting up now that he's learned how. I actually demonstrated what it would feel like if I kept pushing William over while he was trying to sit up. Yeah, that didn't work. He thought it was fun and asked if I'd keep wrestling with him (o;
There's only been one instance that stands out as far as William acting out badly toward Calvin. I'm sure we'll run into our share of "moments" as they grow, but I'm not sure what spawned this one...
We were sitting at the dinner table and William was finished so he got down and started playing with Calvin. I was holding Calvin on my lap while I finished eating and all of a sudden he lets out this blood curdling scream. I look down as William looked up at me and I noticed some very prominent bite marks on Calvin's thumb...hmmm. Daddy quickly removed William from the room and put him in bed. Again, not sure where that came from (tired, jealous, just being facetious...?), but we were sure to let him know that he doesn't bite brother!!
I love the bond that's forming between brothers. Just the other day after both boys had woken up in the morning (when all of us are in our happiest of moods), William informed me that he loved Calvin and that he was his friend. Then he got his face right in Calvin's (while holding him on his lap-which he wants to do ALL the time) and said with a sweet little voice and huge smile,
"I your buddy brudder?! Yeah, I your buddy!"
*And you should see how Calvin giggles for William. It's a special little giggle with a wide mouthed grin that even I don't have the touch for retrieving.
So, here's just a random jot down of all those "little things"
William translation (a couple of my favorites):
"Pepoh"=pillow (so therefore his dinosaur pillow pet = "pepoh pet"...too cute)
"Chekup"= ketchup
"Bobin"= bottom (this one is by far my favorite. Especially when he says, "Mom, my "bopin" itches!"
"Pile"= smile (he's not too good at the "s" sound yet (o; )
The other day William got stung by a bee (for the second time in his little life). It got him twice, right on the top of his shoulder. After crying a bit and Mama holding him for awhile, he says through his sobs, "Mom, did the bee put honey in me?" He knows from Gpa Greg that bees make honey...Sweet William just got sweeter (o;
Grandma Marsha told me this story: She was watering her flowers and William asked if she would water him. She wasn't sure what he meant, but she sprinkled a little water on him as he crouched on the ground and he promptly sprouted up exclaiming, "Look Grandma, I grow!"
Just today we drove by a school (one we drive by ALL the time).
William asked, "What's that building?"
Curtis and I were both in the car and one of us replied, "It's a school."
I then asked William, "Are you ready to go to school?"
He replied (with a sheepish little smile and a squeaky little voice), "Not yet Mama, not yet (o; " (His voice's tone was like, "You silly Mom, I'm not old enough for school!").
I know it's gonna be a blink of an eye and his turn will come...Crazy to even think about.
Mr. Calvin broke through his first two teeth right after he turned 6 months, just in time for Mother's Day (which was a surprise for this Mama since William was 10 months before he got any!). #3 and 4 (top two teeth) have broke through the gums just this week and he's figured out how to annoy his mother without even knowing it...He thinks it's fun to grit the top and bottom teeth together. Ahhhh! Can't stand it!
Calvin also decided that he hated tummy time so much that he's now rolling over and has been since May 24th. Yep, and brother thinks it's hilarious to just keep rolling him over, and over like a little snowball (this was actually what William did before Calvin could roll himself...another part of his motivation to do it on his own I'm sure!).
And did I mention that Calvin's sitting up well on his own?! Teeth, rolling over, sitting up, might as well do it all at once! William still thinks that babies should be lying down, so he "helps" Calvin lay down from a sitting position all the time. I've told him it's not nice and that Calvin likes sitting up now that he's learned how. I actually demonstrated what it would feel like if I kept pushing William over while he was trying to sit up. Yeah, that didn't work. He thought it was fun and asked if I'd keep wrestling with him (o;
There's only been one instance that stands out as far as William acting out badly toward Calvin. I'm sure we'll run into our share of "moments" as they grow, but I'm not sure what spawned this one...
We were sitting at the dinner table and William was finished so he got down and started playing with Calvin. I was holding Calvin on my lap while I finished eating and all of a sudden he lets out this blood curdling scream. I look down as William looked up at me and I noticed some very prominent bite marks on Calvin's thumb...hmmm. Daddy quickly removed William from the room and put him in bed. Again, not sure where that came from (tired, jealous, just being facetious...?), but we were sure to let him know that he doesn't bite brother!!
I love the bond that's forming between brothers. Just the other day after both boys had woken up in the morning (when all of us are in our happiest of moods), William informed me that he loved Calvin and that he was his friend. Then he got his face right in Calvin's (while holding him on his lap-which he wants to do ALL the time) and said with a sweet little voice and huge smile,
"I your buddy brudder?! Yeah, I your buddy!"
*And you should see how Calvin giggles for William. It's a special little giggle with a wide mouthed grin that even I don't have the touch for retrieving.