April, 23rd, 2012 Making our way through the day...

Once you're a mom, you find yourself gleaning wisdom from those that have gone before. Not that I hardly feel qualified to be dishing out any, but I guess I have learned a few things over the past three years. Moving from one kid to two, the workload doubles and so does your creativity on how to get things done. Here's just a peek into how I (and I'm sure many other moms out there), get er' done! Even though he's still a little small for it, he's (1) comfortable (2) right next to mom where he likes it and (3) both of my hands are free to get a few things done (o; It's pretty...perfect. Thank you to whomever thought of the ERGO.
Enlisting older sibling to help...This can be both hilarious and a little dangerous (o; Big brothers don't understand the limits of play with baby brothers. So, although there's not complete submission of supervision, it is incredibly cute to watch these two interact. They hold each other's hands in the car, smile at each other, Calvin gets lots of tickles...Most often you'll here (while Calvin's crying) "Calvin, you fine buddy, you fine." Followed with (if Calvin doesn't quit crying after William's told him he is fine for a few seconds), "Mom, Calvin needs you! Calvin needs milk." He thinks he's always hungry and in need of milk. Some conversations look serious...
Other times they're just plain silly!
Moments like these are precious...simply precious. You make charts like this one...One, it's fun for any three year old because it has STICKERS!!!! Two, it's a great reminder when the schedule gets hectic, that little teeth need brushing TWICE a day, EVERY day.
You have incredible grandparents who take time out of their day to play with them...Although my kiddos don't live next to all sets of grandparents, we are privileged to live close to Grandma Marsha and Grandpa Bruce. William loves it when I tell him we're going to their house. And even if he plays shy when we get there (yes, even at Grandmas house), he warms up quickly and makes himself at home. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for all you do! Here William is playing legos with Grandpa!
And cards with Grandma (o;
You involve them "in" your work...Well, maybe Calvin isn't quite "helping" me fold the laundry, but he had fun chewing on some socks and was quiet for ...a few moments.
I try and involve William in whatever I am doing. Yes, sometimes things take longer. Yes, sometimes it's frustrating and I'd rather just do it myself, but it's how he learns. And honestly, it humbles me. Here he is helping me scrub the floor...He's got his fire hat on and tells me he's "scrubbing the floor like daddy does at fire station" He puts my scrubbing to shame!
And when you have those moments when you've exhausted your last bit of energy and don't feel like you have enough fuel to make it a few more hours until you tuck them into bed, you get a sweet smile like this one that keeps you goin'
Being Mommy is a full time job that you can't just "leave at work and go home from" (o; But I can tell you, the work is worth every moment. And as time passes before me all too quickly, I want to cherish each one of them.


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