May 13, 2010 Learnin' to garden

Even if William doesn't grow up to share my love for gardening, he's already fallen in love with the dirt. As many of you have seen, I plant a pretty large section of vegetables each year and thoroughly enjoy doing it (must have been growing up on the farm and helping my mom garden all those years...). It's been pretty hillarious seeing William watch me use the garden tools and then trying to mimick my actions. We'll see if he gets sick of it...Mom's got a lot more digging to do!

"Is this how you do it Mom?"

"Uhhh...I can't read numbers yet."
(all tangled up in the measuring tape and soaker hose)

My little helper!
(He enjoyed kicking the dirt in the little mounds I made for the pumpkins...I think it's gonna take a little longer to plant this year!)

Time to water! Watch out William!!!

"Oh yeah Mom...Just watch out!"


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