June 21st, 2009 Dad's first Father's Day!

Curtis had to work today so William and I jumped in the car and headed up to see him at the station. The last time William visited the station was on Valentine's Day when he was only a week old. Unfortunately Curtis was out on a call (jumper from the bridge...may have seen it on the news) when we showed up so we just hung out with another mom and her son (who was also waiting for his daddy!) until they returned. I had decked William out in a little cowboy outfit (the cowboy hat is still too big unfortunately) for dad to see. One of the guys at the station said, "This little guy is framable!" I always enjoy getting to see Curtis at the station. We gave him a card that I used William's thumbprints to make little hearts on. Future Father's Day's will only get more fun (o: Can't wait till he can tell his dad he loves him.
Now...if only the jumper would have been courteous to all those drivers trying to get home on the freeway...It was almost 9p before we made it home!


That outfit is so cute!! I LOVE the cowboy boots! Adorable!!

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