Sept. 26, 2008 Rags and Max... 19 weeks 1 day

Most of you know our 2 most companions, Rags & Max. They are Border Collie's Curtis and I got from the Estacada Border Collie Rescue and the Clackamas County Dog Shelter. They have turned out to be great additions to our family. We've had them both for almost a year now and as they've attached to us, we too have attached to them. They keep me great company (and protection) while I'm home alone at night when Curtis is at work. (You'll also see our kitten in one of the pictures who has grown to love the dogs too).
I'm not too sure what they'll do when we add a baby to the family. They've proven to be quite "protectors" so it will be interesting to see how they react to a little one. Rags is our affectionate, lovable dog, always wanting a pet while Max seems to always know (at any time) where the ball, frisbee or anything else that can be thrown is. They've both done well around any kids we've had over-kids of all ages. If they protect the baby like they do the kitten, it'll be cute.


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