Smiley Face Chart

I'm always trying to think of creative ways to discipline.  I know, sounds kind of odd.  I'm a firm believer in spanking.  But, there comes a point when children understand more and are able to think through their consequences which leaves you to be creative in how you display and enforce consequences.

As a parent, I also felt as though I was harping on my kids all day long; continually pointing out all of the negative (which is very easy to do) and forgetting that all in all, they are good kids too!  The realization came to me that I needed to focus on that good more.  Just as important as helping them realize what's wrong in life, I need to help them see those things that are good.

Here's what I came up with.  The Smiley face chart.

Sorry it's sideways.  For the life of me I couldn't get it to flip...

Obviously Calvin's a little too young for this yet (and still responds quite well to an occasional spanking).  William and I sat down, discussed the consequence for when he reached eight sad faces and the reward for when he reached eight smiley faces.   This way I knew that either one was going to mean a lot to him.

So far, I think he's doing pretty good.
And as for me, it's really helping my focus on encouragement.
Double win!


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