Another sweet trip with my family comes to an end.  I think this was the longest I'd been with them while away from Curtis-two weeks.  Bittersweet emotions as I left.  I was so ready to get home and reunite my little family of four, but a part of me will always be in SoCal.  I miss them dearly.  Makes the visits that much sweeter though (o;  Thank you Thomas and Mel for allowing me LOTS of extra baby snuggling time.  I sure do love your sweet baby girl (o;

Here are some of my favs from our visit... (o;
Our visit to the Hash House in San Diego after we got there...the biggest pancake EVER (literally...not sure how they flipped the thing)!

Just in case you wondered, these little men did GREAT on the plane!  Due to plane changes, they got to experience a total of four take offs and touch downs-definitely the highlight of the entire experience.  And if you've never flown Virgin Airlines, they're awesome-gave the kids free headphones and were SO friendly!!!

Just because they're crazy...Glad to finally have met you Sam!
Couldn't get enough of this baby girl...

4 generation photo

Cousin time!  SO wish we got to see Khyleigh and Kaycee more.

What's not to love about this sweet Khyleigh face!

Lovin' on Uncle Mar.  My pasty whites with our chocolate bro (o;  Love it!  

Some time on the beach!  It wasn't quite as warm as we'd hoped, but the boys loved it none the less.
All the Mamas in our family...Trying to get everyone to look and smile at the same time=impossible.

 There's only another million pictures that I could just keep posting and posting and posting...We had such a great time.  Definitely worth the look on the boys face when they saw their Daddy's face for the first time in two weeks after we arrived back home.  Precious.  I was pretty happy to see him too (o;


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