From the moment this baby girl was born (April 30th) until now, my arms literally ached to hold her. I had hoped that she'd hold out until I arrived, but she was eager to enter this world. Today was my turn. Within an hour of stepping off our plane, I had sweet baby Ziara in my arms (o; The ache melted away... What a sweet, precious, and tiny baby girl!
It was so fun to see the boys love on her for the first time too.
William's first time holding her...
He was a bit reluctant, but on his own time about halfway through our trip, he decided he wanted to. |
And after the first time, he asked to hold her all the time (o; |
Calvin couldn't get enough of Baby Z. Here he told me he wanted to lay down with her. Then he proceeded to show her all his crazy moves.
And here's a keeper. During one of Calvin's many Baby Z holds, he started to sing to her. Usually I don't quite get the camera out in time enough to catch it, but this time I managed to.