More Williamisms

While talking to William about praying out loud at the dinner table (he has always refused to do so)...
"Mom, my head talks to God."
(He told me that he was explaining how he has conversations to God in his head and doesn't like to talk out loud to God in front of people).

William was fascinated after feeling my clavicle bone the other day. 
He asked what it was and I explained that it was a bone and that we all have them. 
He then proceeds to feel his clavicle.
"Look, I have bones too!"...And then, "God made them to keep me together."
(I hadn't even explained that part yet...He's so smart).

Speaking of smart, William is always impressing me with the things he knows and learns.
When I ask him, "William, how did you get so smart?"
W: "Because I love to!"
M: "You love to what?"
W: "I love to get smart!"

William loves working outside.  Wait, I should have said William LOVES to work outside.  That's better.  Because he does, he LOVES it.  When he gets dressed in the morning, he's looking for his work jeans (you know, the ones with the hole in one knee.  According to him, they're the only ones that work) and if you try and put anything else on, he asks me, "Mom, are we going to church?"
Complete with work gloves (thank you Auntie Lori) and suspenders, he's all hands for something to accomplish.  Here he is helping with apples (thank you Hesters for the John Deere wheelbarrow!  It gets LOTS of use!).

I've also noticed William's attention to detail lately.  He's impressed me with his ability (at 3yrs old) to color in the lines of a picture relatively well.  He's never really just "scribbled"...which I think is  typical of 3yr olds.

Here he is helping me with peaches.  I should have taken a picture of the entire kitchen, because ALL of my counters had peaches nicely lined up along the edges.

Here are some magnets William neatly arranged on the fridge- all in a neat little circle.                                                   Calvin's an added bonus to the pic (o;

And cars...he's always making a long line of them all in a row.

I haven't yet caught a picture, but you should see how much time he spends working on tying things with string.  I have to admit, I'm quite impressed with how he manages to tie some things up!  The other day he tied a string to one of my back belt loops while I was standing doing dishes.  I thought for sure that if I just jerked to one side suddenly, that I would be able to loosen it. I tried...I even jerked pretty success.  Impressive William...impressive.

I've decided I need my own personal assistant to follow me around all day with a camera and journal to catch how quickly your growing and every new thing you learn each day.  You amaze me William.  You're such a smart boy.  


Unknown said…
I love the "backpack" in this last picture... he has the best ideas ever. :)

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