March 8th, 2012 Calvin is 4 months old!!!

I couldn't put Calvin in the same outfit William had on in his picture, but I think he's looking more and more like his big brother as he grows. We kept with the overalls/John Deere hat theme...

Here's William at 4 months...

We are enjoying his wide mouthed smiles and the beginnings of some giggles. He's pretty fond of his brother and often looks over at William, as he bounces around him playing, with his adorable toothless grin. William proudly announces, "Calvin "spiles" (smiles) at me Mom!"

He's been drooling like crazy while trying to fit his entire fist into his mouth. He's also been trying to find his voice by making all kinds of cute baby coos of which I love. He's also been sleeping 7hr chunks at night (can I get a big YEAH! from all Mom's who can relate to how exciting this is?!?!). We took him in for his 4 month check up this week and he weighs 17lb 15oz (William was around 13 lbs at 4mo)! Calvin loves his milk!!! And WE LOVE YOU Calvin!

P.S. Did I mention that Mr. 4 month old is wearing 9 month clothes?!?! Just cleared his closet of all the 6 month stuff (o;


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