Oct. 15th, 2011 34 weeks and going strong!

Jeanne ("baby doctor" as William calls her-even though she sees our entire family) assures us that we can almost guarantee to expect our 2nd bundle of joy to arrive earlier than Thanksgiving day (my due date). I keep telling people that ask when I'm due, that once Nov. 1st rolls around, I'll just shift my brain into thinking he could be here at anytime (I delivered William 2 wks early). I know- watch, I'll be late this time! It sure is crazy to think that his birthday could be right around the corner...We are very excited to meet our second little Gant boy.

Here, William is trying to "Cover baby brudder up with blankie"...Looks like he's the one being covered!

Never did get another pic where William would show his face. Here he is hiding behind me so perfectly that you barely see the blanket he's holding.

My sweet friend Charissa. Our first sons are almost a year apart (her son Linus turns 2 in January) and then she beat me to getting pregnant with #2. Here we are in all our prego glory at her baby shower. Her baby boy Dalen is due to arrive sometime before the end of this month!


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