April 30th 2009, Still Smiling 2 months, 3 weeks, 6 days
I weighed William on Tuesday at the BABIES clinic in Silverton. He's up to 12lb 4.6oz! Since his 2 month apt on the 8th, he's gained over a pound. Yes, the car seat gets heavier by the day (o: For those who are wondering, a baby gains weight rapidly for the first 3-4 months and then starts to slow down. At the rate he's going, he'd by the size of a seven year old by age one! Good thing God plans out their growth perfectly....It truly is amazing.
Apparently William like to stick his tongue out when he smiles. I caught another one of his cute moments in this picture. He's the most smiles and giggles in the morning (as most babies are). He's come to really like bath time and it's been fun to talk to him while giving him a bath and seeing him smile and make his noises while kicking and splashing the water. Curtis made sure to catch a bit on videotape yesterday.
And the most exciting news of all....William slept through a 7 hour stretch of sleep the other night! Yipee! Of course, last night was a little different story, but hey...a 7 hour stretch every once in awhile...works for me (o: