March 11th, 2009 Growing, growing... 1 month, 4 days

William continues to grow. I'm having a lot of fun being a mom. There are so many changes in William from day to day. I can only imagine the changes ahead. I enjoy continuing my walks with the dogs with William in the carrier now. He falls right to sleep while he's jostled around. He loves the ride, the dogs love the walk and mom loves the exercise.

The other night Curtis set William up while he was watching some tv. He put William next to him with the remote in front of his hand...pretty funny pic.

Last night William was lying with Dad and keeping his head up for pretty long periods of time. We took some pics as well as some video on our video camera. He kept pulling his head up to look around and then soon he'd get tired and "flop"...his head would land on Dad's chest. It was cute!


Isn't it awesome seeing all of their changes?!!! So happy for you!
Cory said…
I like the pic of him sitting next to his dad. Cute.

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