March 28th, 2009 My friends Augustine & Kenna! 1 month 3 weeks

We took a trip to Portland to visit my friend Deb and her husband Burt who just delivered their baby girl Kenna on the 26th. Deb found out she was pregnant right after we did. It was fun to hear her pregnancy progression just a few weeks behind mine. They didn't find out they were having a baby girl until she was born. It was amazing to hold her, only weighing 6lb's like William did when he was born...she's a feather compared to my son now! I had no idea the difference until I picked my son back up...what a chunk! It was great to visit with them. Welcome into the world Kenna Haley!

We also went and visited a dear friend of mine Saundra and her husband Trent and their little guy Augustine. Augustine turned a year hold this last December and is as cute as ever. He could clearly pronounce "Baby!" when I brought William to visit. He's got big brown eyes and is WAY cute! Thanks for letting me visit Hardy's!

*I hop on the scale and then pick William up to see if I can guesstimate his weight. A couple days ago he was already up to 10lbs! We have his 2 month check up on April 8th and I'm curious as to how close it is!


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