His craftiness...

It never ceases to amaze me at just how crafty William is.  He's definitely gifted with the ability to build, create and re-create things he either imagines or sees and imitates.  Whether it be with his legos, megablocks, crayons, paint, markers or paper, he's constantly creating something.  And he loves doing it.  The end of our dining room table has become his permanent crafting area (o;  He's always got his markers out coloring something.  And it's pretty neat to see what his little mind can come up with.
He built this in Escondido at the San Diego Childrens Museum-complete with a window to look out of.
All on his own, no help.

This too was at the museum...It wasn't long after that it toppled (o;
He worked on getting it this high for quite some time!

He's always making some kind of monster or skyscraper with the megablocks.
Love for legos seems like an understatement...

His love for coloring amazes me...
He's fond of the fine tip markers so that he can pay attention to detail.

And if you're willing, he loves a good coloring buddy (o;
He's even recruited Calvin a few times-although his style isn't quite to William's liking.
This side of William has also been used to show his love.  On his own, he started creating what I call a little sanctuary in Curtis and I's bedroom.  It started with one picture and as you can see it's blossomed into many more.  Each time he has one that he feels is worthy (because he's told us that not just any picture can be put up here), he gets the tape and goes to work.  You can see that he's spent time on this and he pays attention to detail.  The heart in the middle...it's split into two, one side says Mommy and the other Daddy.  And of course it correlates with the sides of the bed we sleep on.  The large picture of the firetruck that he spent hours coloring detail...Of course it goes on Daddy's side (o;

And then there's a little brother, who will always look up to and aspire to be like his big brother...
I think he likes making a mess more than the actual art work (o;  But hey, it's still fun!


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