We arrived in CA just one day before the reception was to happen. There were lots of people and lots to do. My sister is one well loved woman. Her ventures in Japan have resulted in friendships from all over the world; and friends that love her so much that they would travel long distances to share in her special day.
L to R: Yudi's brother Akira (who also lives in Japan), Sean (Canada), Lou (Ireland),
Emily (Ohio), Ashlyn (Canada), Tauna, Lili (Maryland), Yudi |
It was such a beautiful day. It was fun having a lot of California family get to be on on the festivities with Tauna and Yudi. We took advantage of the opportunity and got some family pictures in (professional ones were taken that I just don't have copies of yet...these are ones we snuck with our camera).
Mr and Mrs Sasaoka with all the littles (Ziara (10mo), William (6), Calvin (3), Kaycee (2) & Kyleigh(4)) |
Sisters forever...We're like a red velvet cake with cream in the middle (o; |
All the sibs. Good lookin' crew. |
11 years and going strong (o; Love him. |
This one's all for that sweet Z face (o; So happy! |
Sweet Grandma Carmelita and I.
It was a whirlwind of a trip, but definitely a good one. We only got to see Tauna for a few short moments as she was busy shuttling all of her friends and family around. She had been home for a month prior while she was able to visit with family and she promised she'd be making a trip up to Oregon where we'd get to spend some extended time with her.
Calvin became even more fond of Yudi (o; |
We got in some good Mar time (o; |
Love this sweet girl...There are no other words. |
These two (Olga and Nelson-or "Ne Ne" as he's called) are Yudi's parents and are as sweet as they come. Even while we can't communicate but a few words to each other in English, they communicate loudly through their action. Sweet.as.can.be. |
My Grandma and Grandpa (mom's side) were visiting for the reception and it was SO nice to be able to spend some extended time with them. Don't get enough, that's for sure! Some day soon....Trip to MN with the boys (o;
The boys got an extra special treat on our flight home. The captain saw them coming down the ramp and offered they have a look in the cockpit. Although they both were a bit gun shy, they enjoyed it. It's a bit intimidating in there with all those buttons and levers!!!
Such a great trip. They always are.
We learned that William's loyalty's to his passenger duties are serious. He sat and looked at that safety manual for quite some time (o;
Our next visit can't come soon enough!