Happy 2nd Birthday Calvin!

I blinked...and then he was two!
And what a cutie patootie of a two year old our Calvin has become. His vocabulary is ever expanding and he picks new things up from his big brother every day. William's caught on to this and thinks it's pretty funny to tell Calvin to do things that William wants to do but knows he shouldn't, just so he'll escape the consequences...Pretty ingenious if you ask me. Too bad Mom's caught on to his antics.

It still amazes me how two little boys from the exact same parents, can turn out completely different. It's been fun watching the unique personality Calvin has in contrast from his big brother. I remember saying the same thing with William, but the two year old stage is one of my favorite. Personality really starts to shine through, new words are added to their vocabulary daily, and the affection you give is more often reciprocated out of their own will...it's fun. Not that it doesn't come with it's challenges, but I feel as though they're inevitable with every stage of life...parents out there agree?!

To celebrate, we decided to spend time with our Eugene family (and friends). We hit up the SPLASH water park with cousins and the Charpie family. A big thank you to Auntie Lori who stood on "land" and photoed all of us in the water (o;

And because Calvin was the most incredible birthday present I've ever received, we will share a birthday weekend for as long as we're Mama and son. This year his party happened to land on my birthday so we blew out the candles together (o;

Here we are-birthday buddies (does every kid go through a funny wink at the camera stage?)

My birthday wish? That we would continue to be blessed with the strong, healthy, vibrant and affectionate little boy that will one day grow into a young man who's zeal for life will be bathed in his love for Christ.

We love you Calvin Markis!


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