A Californian Thanksgiving

Once off the boat, the next leg of our vacation began-time with my family for the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Our reunite after our Cruise
Dad was thankful his shoulder surgery was rescheduled so that Nurse Ratchet (me) could make sure he ate his saltines and didn't over do it on water during recovery (o;  Love you Dad!

I got to meet my niece Kaycee Rae for the first time!

Auntie Mel and Uncle Thomas gave the whole family their big "gender" reveal during the prayer for our Thanksgiving meal...  They also brought a bunch of pink juice to share with everyone (o;  Yay for a new niece!

There's a bump, I see it!  And to think that that belly will be out to my hands in no time...I can't wait!

And even though Tauna was far away in Japan, we still managed to get the entire family together for a picture!

I've been wanting to get my ears pierced for quite some time now.  I decided to wait till I was with Mom and Mel to get them done.  It had been awhile since we'd been to the mall together (o;  Made me remember mall shopping for school clothes at the beginning of each school year when we were younger...Only thing missing was you Tunes )o;
Mel told me to look scared.

Here's to hoping they take this time!  
There's something about the love I have for my family that makes it extremely hard to leave when it comes time to.  As hard as it is, I'm thankful for it.  It only serves as a reminder of how fortunate I am to call them my own.

Until our next visit...


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