10 years and counting...

He'd been keeping it a secret for almost nine months...NINE MONTHS! He broke the news just a few days before my birthday...He had been planning a cruise to celebrate our 10th Anniversary since my mention of wanting to do something back in February. One, lucky, woman I am...Honestly ladies, hands down I've got the husband that tops them all (o;

Better yet, Mom and Dad got an entire weekend with the boys all to themselves...The first time William and Calvin have spent extended time with Grandpa and Grandma without Mom and Dad! Not gonna lie-I missed them. But, I was excited about the opportunity for them, as well as for Curtis and I. It was the longest we've been away from them-Friday through Monday.

We boarded the Carnival Inspiration for a 3 day Baja Mexico Cruise to Ensenada. We'd been on one cruise before and so carried that experience with us into this one-Totally different crusie lines, vastly different location desinations as well as length of trip, proving two separate experiences for sure! When asked what I enjoyed the most? I would have to say the weekend spent just Curtis and I. Sure, I missed the boys immensely. But it's so easy to forget what life was/is like when just the two of us get a chance to hang out. And it's good-It's good to remember that our relationship requires just as much nurture and time as we spend on a daily basis raising our boys. Okay, I really enjoyed the food too (o; There's something simply fabulous about not having to spend an iota of time in the kitchen...for three whole days. And not only that, typical of cruises, the food was always deliciously good...

We had both been to Ensenada on Mexico mission trips before which is quite a bit different experience than heading there on a cruise ship (o; Although we saw many of the same surroundings that we'd associated with the city in previous experiences, we decided to take the La Bufadora Excursion to learn some background on the city. Did you know that Ensenada is home to the invention of the Margarita? (you're thinking, "woohoo...what useful information, especially for two people who don't drink!"). We toured their convention center and the very room where the margarita originated-and a lot of good it's done our society since then I might add (o;  History is always interesting though. 
We ran in to "Chiclet boy" on our way back to the bus:

We then boarded a bus where we took a 45min drive to the La Bufadora blowhole. Pictures wouldn't even do justice to the beauty of the ocean along that drive. Breathtaking...I learned though, that you'd better use the restroom before you board the bus up the mountain-otherwise your charged 50cents for a few squares of toilet paper and a stall at the top...
The cuisine on top of the mountain...authentically divine.

Adios to Ensenada!

Back on the boat for a day at sea before heading home!

A little friend decided to pop up out of the water and say goodbye (o;
Relaxing, eating, enjoying the professional performances, comedians, eating, hot tubbing, lounging, eating some more,time in the sauna, reading...We left refreshed!

To the one I've spent the last 10 years of my life...I love you more with each day that passes. Here's to the next 50 years...


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