The joy of teaching...

What a privilege it has been to work side by side with Ericka, Serenity and Heidi; three other Mom's who desired to take part in their kid's schooling. I think what I appreciate the most, is the common love we share for Christ and the desire we have to incorporate that into what our kids are learning about life.  It's been 2 months since preschool's started and I've already grown to love each one of your kiddos!
...I feel as though it'll be like a blink of an eye before we're swapping senior pictures...

Here's Lucilla and her Mama Serenity
Mr. Josiah and his Mama Ericka
 Mr. William (who goes by Will as to not confuse anyone during school time) and his Mama Heidi
Calvin had to join the picure too (o;
While my sister was here visiting, I had the privilege of having her help on one of my days to teach. It was fun having her participate in our learning (o; Her creativity came in handy when it came time to develop the lesson plan.

She also was able to snap a few picks while the kids and I were having fun...
Playing Match the Letter!
Getting ready to watch's rendition of the Letter F!
And here's my little lefty hard at work (o;  
Of course, we manage to squeeze a little fun into our education (o;
We took this past Monday off to enjoy the Wooden Shoe Pumpkin Fest...
Fun part about it was, we got to enjoy siblings as well!
And as hard as you try to get four 4 yr olds to all cooperate with one picture, here's our attempt (o;  

THANK YOU to all three of you for lovin' on my William (o;


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