
Honestly, I don't think I could be any happier at this moment. My sister just opened a box of doughnuts that she hauled up all the way from Peterson's (the BEST doughnut shop EVER!).  Not only were they delicious, but they had a sweet little message written on them....

Can May come soon enough?!!!!!

Thank you Auntie Mel for coming up, despite how horribly you've been feeling, so that you could share your news in person!  It just wouldn't be the same if I couldn't wrap my arms around you in excitement.


Unknown said…
Okay, so this is probably one of my most favorite blog posts you've ever done! It was so fun to go all the way up there and share with you in person, best OR trip ever. Love ya sis, can't wait for you and the family to meet out little California Baby Raisin!

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