Some William classics...Things I know I don't want to forget once he grows out of them:

He hasn't yet grasped the concept of time...Everything is "last week" or "Saturday"  It makes conversations pretty hilarious when he applies his own timeline to things he remembers.  "Hey Mom, do you remember last year when we went to the store?"  Or, "I was a little boy last week, but now I'm a big boy!"
On multiple occasions (and particularly in the morning after he gets up), William will say: "Hey Mom!  Look how tall I am (as he stands tall and stretches high)!  I grew in my sleep!!!" 
Seriously, sometimes I do feel like he wakes up a few inches taller.
He impresses me, at the young age of four, at how hard he will work.  He LOVES dressing himself in the mornings now and will automatically put on his "work clothes".  He insists that this consist of a pair of work jeans (aka any pair of jeans that have a hole in the knee).  Then, his new favorite is tank tops..."So my arms can breathe Mom."
William told me the other day, "Mama, I really like Calvin."
I smiled, hugged him and said, "It's a good thing, cause you're brothers for life!"
Recently William was sick and ended up puking multiple times in a 24hr period.  After one episode of holding the bowl, he told me, "Mom, after I'm done "pooking", I'm slow."
Me: "You mean you have no energy?"
W: "No, I mean I feel slow."  (guess his description of "no energy" is pretty accurate)
Out of the blue, William says, "Mom, I think Calvin speaks Spanish."
Me (with a smile on my face): "You mean he sometimes says words you can't understand?"
W: "No Mom, he knows Spanish!"
All I gotta say is, I love this kid.


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