Annual Gant Family Reunion

It's that time of the year again!  Our Annual Gant Family Reunion!
(seriously... didn't we just finish unpacking from last year?!)

The Truth:  There is an Annual Gant Family Reunion held every year on the last Saturday of July at Powers County Park.

2nd Truth:  Us, Cory, Lori, Zane, Luke, Cade, Terry & Loretta (+ Rags and Pepper) are the only Gants that actually camp for the weekend surrounding the actual reunion.

3rd Truth:  I LOVE it and am so thankful my family decides to devote an entire four day weekend to spending time together.
Many memories are always made...

Like, William learning to use a hatchet (this was taken after he attempted, unsuccessfully, to use the hatchet himself at the expense of his thumb and thumbnail-thank goodness it wasn't more serious).
Dad's showing him how it's supposed to be done.

And meeting a man with a pet racoon and letting it climb all over Grandpa Terry's head...

Roasting marshmallows over the campfire...Doesn't camping=marshmallows?!?

Taking our annual pictures after the Reunion picnic...
Visiting the Historic Wagner House and learning all about our family of the past and how they lived...
Walking downtown (if that's what you call it) to get an ice cream bar from the local market...

Posing with cousins...(little Calvin was taking a much needed nap)
Instead, Calvin got a Gant boy dog pile...(yep, that's his little head poking out under Uncle Cory's hat)
And of course, being silly and goofing off...what every cousin should do together!  
Ahhh...Makes me smile just sitting here remembering the trip.  
I know I'm gonna blink and it'll be time to go again (o;


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