Brenden's Here!

This Summer consisted of a memory that we're not soon to forget.  My cousin Brenden came to stay two weeks with us.  We flew him up and away from the city life to grab a taste of the country.  It always amazes me at how quickly time passes when someone comes to visit. We (the boys especially) enjoyed the moments we got with him.
Here's just a few we captured in picture...

The day he got here... William was attached :-)

Pickin' strawberries...

Preservin' cherries...
Haulin' out weeds from the field...wait a minute, "Don't throw my Calvin in too Brenden!"

The weeds Brenden, not William!!

Helpin' Curtis (and William) re-build a bench.

Drivin' tractor!

Riding the fourwheeler!

Lovin' on our boys (o;

Brenden, thanks for comin' to stay with us (o;
We hope you enjoyed the time as well as we enjoyed having you!


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