Tender shoots...

As I watch the seeds that I planted push life above the soil....
...I am reminded at just how precious our lives are.  As a Mom, I've come to realize the incredible responsibility I have in raising my boys.  Thank goodness I have an incredibly strong husband along for the journey.  And for those who don't lean on the Lord for an unduly amount of strength that's needed on a daily basis...I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU DO IT! 

So many things are absolutely essential for these tender cabbage shoots to thrive.  An imbalance of the proper soil nutrients, water, sunlight and warmth proves detrimental to their ability to grow into the luscious vegetable we desire it to be...And so it is for us.  We so often don't take into account the "proper nutrients" we need to grow and thrive.  No, I'm not talking about food-although it is essential for survival.  When we're hungry, we eat-almost without giving it second thought.  Why is it that we don't pay the same attention to our spiritual survival?  Do we not think it just as necessary to feed and protect our hearts with the Word of God?  I'm realizing the many subtle influences that impress upon my boys; how careful I must be in order to provide them with the proper spiritual "soil" in order to see them thrive in the Lord.  Just as Christ gave us the parable of the Sower in Luke 8, I desire that He use me to exemplify His Word within the fertile soil of their growing lives.

"But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop..." Luke 8:15

God, I pray my boys lives be used to produce such a crop.  That they would recognize their value and purpose in You and You alone. 

*Just a few weeks after I took this picture my greenhouse toppled over the fence, destroying the majority of the tiny seedlings that were growing inside.  Despite being tied down, a wind storm proved stronger...And so it is with life.  May we be rooted deeply in Him, in order that the strong winds of life not take us down-destroying our very life within.


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