Awana Grand Prix

William's first year in AWANAs means he got to participate in his first AWANA Grand Prix...And here's how a Daddy and his son build their very first pinewood derby car:

First, Dad introduces you to the band saw...and you're a little nervous about it.

Then you figure, if Dad can do it, maybe I can too.

Then the confidence builds and you get serious about your work.

And then you get excited and ask Dad, "What's next?"  "A little belt sanding," Dad replies.

A little fine sanding to get the hard to reach rough areas...and a little brother who wants to help.

And then, the most fun part of it all...PAINT!  (And green...he wouldn't have chosen a different color)

All lined up to race!  There were quite a few cars in his category, so he got to watch his car race MANY times!

 Second place for speed!  WAY TO GO Cubbie William! 


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