April 15th, 2010 Gant Family Photos...

For those of you who haven't seen the great job Twyla Rohde did in capturing our family, here's a little taste. And for those of you who've already seen some of them...here's a few you haven't yet! It was a session to mark William's first year of life.

I think I was tickling him at this point (o:

My sweet William boy...

I had to put this one in here because it captures the true essence of a photo session with a toddler...You can see the goldfish crackers in his mouth-He decided it was break time (o:

I know it will seem like a blink of an eye before I look back at this one after he's left us to go off to college...Okay, maybe I've got a little time yet, but it's already going by way too fast (o:


I absolutely LOVE the last one!!! Precious!

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