April 10th, 2010 Friends and Tulips...

We are trying to make an annual get together around the time of the Tulip Festival with all of our dear friends from the Portland area. This will be the second year we've enjoyed a bbq, some tulips and some absolutely gorgeous weather! We live within walking distance of the festival and even closer to the edge of the tulip fields where they planted them this year. Pictures don't do justice, but figured I'd include a few here anyway (o:

We hook our little trailer on the back of the four wheeler and the kids have a blast! (I think it's the highlight of their day!)

This one's gotta be one of my favorites...William fell asleep during our walk and he was just waking up on Daddy's arm.

My Boys!

Okay, all he really wanted to do was pick all the tulip leaves off, but I managed to get this one picture of him being "gentle" (o:


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