April 12th, 2010 Using a spoon?

William, mom really got a laugh out of this one (o: I figured it was time to let you try out the silverware on your own. I'm not joking when I say that you were entertained for about an hour with some yogurt and your own untensil in hand. Not sure how much of it you actually got in your mouth, but we'll call it your first lesson in table manners...I've got a long ways to go!

Goin' for the dip...

Notice there's nothing actually on the spoon...

But if there is, he's gonna get it!

Later, that blob in his eye actually worked it's way in...He decided he was done then.


Ha ha!! There are certain foods that are definitely messier than others when you let your toddler feed himself: yogurt, oatmeal, and cornbread!! ; ) I am CONSTANTLY cleaning my kitchen floor!!

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