May 6th, 2009 Did he reach for it?
William weighs 12lb 11.2oz this week (that's with an emtpy tummy (o: ). He's as cute as ever and enjoys to share his smile more often now with those around him. Two days ago he was swinging in his swing and for the first time reached for the little monkey that hangs in front of him. It was so neat to watch him reach out and get it! We tried to catch it on camera and yesterday I even tried videoing luck. He'll be grabbing anything in sight to put in his mouth sooner than I know it. The other day at the grocery store while William was hanging out in the front pack while I shopped, a guy told me "Better watch out! That little guy will start grabbing things and putting them in your cart. You won't know it until you get up to pay for something you never remembered picking up (o: "
On Monday we had a neat visit with a friend I grew up in at church in Amity. Sarah has a little guy named Jonathan who's as cute as ever. He reminded me of what life's gonna be like around here with a toddler waddling around, curious about everything...I loved our visit Sarah!