"My Bump"

Calvin's wellness checks are a bit off schedule.  Although he turned 4 a few months ago, we were scheduled to say hello to Dr. Savage (and get up to date on our shots!) this month. 

We've been watching a "bump" (which is what he calls it to anyone that asks) on the back of Calvin's neck just below his hairline for about a year.  I went in and had it measured last July so that we'd know how much it's grown from then till now.  It was about the size of an pencil eraser top last January and by July it had grown to about the size of a large pea.  There was no doubt it had not only grown substantially but gotten oblong in shape since our apt in July.  We were determined to figure out what it was and what needed to be done about it.

Dr. Savage thought it to likely be a swollen lymph node and actually discovered that all of his lymph nodes were palpable throughout his entire body (some people's naturally are).  Because the bump we were looking at had progressively gotten bigger over a short period of time and he hadn't recently been sick (which would lead us to believe it was indeed a lymph node), she ordered a CBC (complete blood culture) and then referred us onto an ENT Doc to have them take a look and give their opinion.

I felt peace.  I really did.  Especially after this kid, of no prompting of mine, gave me this in the middle of his exam...It's a picture that will forever be ingrained in my head as an example of childlike faith.  Whatever lies ahead, we can trust in the One who carries us.


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