After purchasing our van in Sept, attempting a road trip sounded a lot more pleasant for Christmas this year (not to mention a lot less expensive than buying four plane tickets). With Curtis' work schedule, we weren't able to leave any earlier than Christmas day, but were fortunate to get to see more family because of it.
Christmas morning, none other than joining the Stroh family cinnamon roll breakfast tradition. And this year with Cory, Lori and cousins! This one's my fav from our time at the Stroh's...Love it when I can get a pic with all five of these incredible boys.
We left the Strohs and headed back to Molalla to open gifts with the other Gants, Grandma Marsha and Grandpa Bruce. Look at this Grandma in all her glory...Or should I say all her boys!
From there, we started our drive down South with a stop off in Eugene at Grandpa Terry and Grandma Loretta's to open gifts and have lunch with them. Could you tell we had a little fun with them?! Who needs to be serious all the time...
Then begun our long drive down to Cali in order to make it there before my side of the family did their Christmas get together on the 27th. I was super excited about seeing these girls. Don't see them often enough, that's for sure.
Sporting the new aprons I got them (o; We found out there's really four pictured here...Amber's due with Baby #3 in August! |
Thanks Tunes for the awesome little Japanese...maxi pads?! We all had the same thought when we opened the cute little packages...It wasn't until we opened them further that they revealed tiny Japanese coin purses that actually were really cute. We just had to capture a picture of our first impressions and send it to her...Apparently she didn't think it was as funny as we did (O; |
Then Z woke up and it was time to open her gifts...Think she needs some help from her cousins?! |
And this guy...How lucky I am. We celebrated 12 years of marriage all on the same day. |
Christmas family pic...Aren't they cute?! |
And these two...Adorbs. |
Then we headed to Lake Arrowhead where we had planned an extended family get together from my Dad's side. This hadn't happened in a LONG time and I'm super glad it worked out for as many as it did. Good times were had.
Cute one of Miss Audre and Calvin
The weather actually dipped to freezing and we saw snowflakes...My first time seeing them in CA I believe since the majority of my time has always been spent in LA or surrounding areas where family lives. It was pretty funny to watch peoples reactions when the tiniest bit of precipitation was falling. Like gold from the sky.
I was sure glad I had my scarf...It was bitter cold! |
Sorry Grandma, you must not be too fond of photos if this is all I got! |
We found a small little hike before leaving the mountain. Small hike, but large and beautiful views! |
Uncle Mar wasn't able to come with us on our Arrowhead trip due to his work schedule, but we squeezed in some time as we could.
And Grandma even let the boys destroy her gingerbread house before we left (o; Boy were they excited about that! |
We also got to visit with our friends Ernie and Jenna who moved to CA from OR 7 years ago. It's fun to get our kids together...Plus a little Z (who's looking not so little anymore in this pic!)
As much as I miss these two at times, I'm sure thankful for the times we have together. I'm truly blessed to have the parents I do. |
We managed to squeeze in some Rose Parade fun. Lots of memories growing up as Grandma pushed us through the crowds of people to squeeze out onto the street front at exactly the right spot. So glad the boys get to share some of this memory now.
Uncle Kevin and Aunt Debbie joined us. |
I love this one of my dad and Z...Just the way he looks at her. Proud Grandpa. |
No fun. No fun at all. |
Tradition: Head to Grandm'as house after the parade for a burrito lunch and...a nap in the yard since we woke up so early. Calvin was tuckered out and apparently Uncle Tony was the perfect pillow. |
Only in CA can you hang out in 70 degree weather on Jan 1st. They were just teaching Z how to play piggy with her toes (o; |
Cherish all the times I get to see my Grandma. Makes me miss Grandpa (o; |
Then we headed home.
Road trip stop at Great Uncle Ernie and Aunt Gingy's home in Rio Vista. We hadn't seen their new place yet since their move a year ago and really enjoyed our visit.
William wasn't feeling too well when we took this pic. Poor kid ended up puking right before we left and then, nothing else the rest of the trip! We are thankful! |
On our way home, we took advantage of some roadside snow to play...I love this one. Totally caught him off guard (o;
Epic trip in the books.
So thankful for family.