To make you smile...


Today, while we were riding in the car, Calvin said something to William (and for the life of me I can't remember what it was).  Here's the conversation the ensued...

William: "Calvin, are you lyin'?"
Calvin: after a long pause, he lets out a big Rooooaaar!
William: "No, Calvin, not that kind of lion!" he busts up laughing.  "You're so FUNNY!"

The whole rest of the car ride was full of William questioning Calvin's truthfulness followed by big Calvin roars (o;  I got a good chuckle out of this one.

Every night before bedtime it's Curtis or I's turn to lay with William for awhile in his bed before he falls asleep.  Usually we have little conversations with him (whispering of course so we don't wake up little man sleeping below us) and most often we remember to say a bedtime prayer.  William's gotten better at praying by himself (he always asks us to do it for him).  His most frequent prayers:

"God, please keep the bad dreams out and put the good dreams in."
"Don't ever let our house burn down in a fire...cause I would really miss my toys."

Now that we've taken the railings down from the bottom bunk and can easily climb in bed with Calvin, we get the opportunity to lay with him before he falls asleep too.  He's already developed his little rituals too:
(1)  Tuck him in with his silkie blankie while he sighs, "Ahhhh. Feels good!"
(2) Sing one of three songs, "Farmer" (Old McDonald), "Jesus Luvs me", or "Twinkle" (twinkle little star)
(3)  Lastly, he asks Mama to "Scratch" (his back-and it has to be on his skin otherwise he'll say, "Not that one Mama.")

He usually puts his arm around me and gives me multiple kisses on the cheek.  Just enough to make my heart melt into a little puddle before I tell him goodnight.  Such a sweet boy....

I'll never forget, while we were down visiting my family this past December, when Calvin decided to use his ability to speak loudly while at church one Sunday with Thomas and Mel.  It was the end of the service and the pastor had said the prayer.  It wasn't two seconds after he was done (while it was still dead silent in the room) when Calvin shouted out "Amen!"...Got the whole crowd laughing.  It IS his favorite part of the prayer (o;  Gotta love a little boy that shouts for the Lord!

We've had quite a few days lately where the sun has poked through the clouds and Summer all of a sudden doesn't feel that far off!  The boys and I were outside working in the strawberry boxes.  William filled pots full of sawdust and compost for me to transplant in to while Calvin dug in any surrounding dirt to find more of his friends...worms; and lots of them!  Out of the blue, William says,
"Mom, we have a perfect place."
Me: "What do you mean, perfect?  Where we live?"
W: "Yeah.  We're never gonna leave."
Me: Quite taken back by his thought process, I asked, "What makes it so perfect?"
W: "The air...(as he breathes in a deep breathe)...and all the places we have to run."
Me: "Yep.  We are pretty lucky aren't we?"
W: "Yep.  Our house is never going to burn down.  We're going to live in it forever..."

Oh, the precious little conversations I have with my boys...


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