Our Storybook Bible...

God's Word has really come alive to me since I've had my boys.  I think once you become a parent, you realize the incredible responsibility you have in teaching your kids...about everything.  Whether it be the mundane every day things to those big life lessons, they rely (mostly) on you to learn EVERYTHING.  You ask how does that makes me feel?  If I was honest, I'd say a bit fearful.  I know I don't know it all and I know Curtis doesn't know it all (although he knows quite a lot!).  And thankfully, we don't have to.  I find this verse popping in to my head a lot,

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart.  Lean not on your own understanding.  
In all of your ways, submit to Him and He will direct your paths.  Proverbs 3:5-6

There's such a comfort in knowing that despite all my good efforts, I'll fail...And yet if I seek the Lord, He is always there to lift me up.  My role as Mommy has proven this verse time and time again.  And I'm not even five years into the journey yet!  I desire, so deeply, to impress on my boys hearts a love for the Lord and a thirst for His Word.  It's amazing to me, even at such a young age, what they soak up.  Calvin started singing along with me Jesus Loves me a few months ago.  William, after preschool one day, picked up one of his projects and started reciting the verse they had been working on that day.  Their minds are like sponges!!  It's become more and more evident to me the importance of filling their impressionable little minds with things that will uplift, encourage and carry them through life.  What better way to do it, than through God's Word...

"...be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is.  His good, pleasing and perfect will."  Romans 12:2

The Jesus Storybook Bible has been one of our favorites.  

It's got great illustrations, reads just like a kids story, and every section ties in the promise of Jesus Christ as our savior.  The boys love it.  I've also used it multiple times when I've taught preschool.  Just the other day we were learning about the letter Oo and one of our topics was Opposites.  We read Zaccheus (the SHORT little man compared to all the other TALL people, who climbed UP in the sycamore tree before the Lord asked him to get DOWN) and then read the story of the blind beggar Bartimaeus (who's eyes were in the DARK before Jesus healed him and he saw the LIGHT!).  You can incorporate the Word into anything!

My recipe stand props it up nicely for some hands free meal time reading...(reminds me of when you used to read to us at mealtimes Dad).

I guess my purpose in writing this post is for myself.  As I look back on this I want to always be reminded of the importance of God's Word, not only in the lives of my boys but more importantly in my own life.  I have to be the one to exemplify it's value and importance for me.  I have to remember that for them, my actions will always speak far louder than my words.

Here the boys are singing Jesus Loves me together (o;


Unknown said…
Oh this little sing song is my favorite! Their adorableness levels are through the roof at this point... Love these boys.
Unknown said…
Oh this little sing song is my favorite! Their adorableness levels are through the roof at this point... Love these boys.

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