The Blessing of Family

A blog post in appreciation of my entire family (pictures included of course) would fill up a book...okay, more than one book, no doubt.  We are blessed beyond words by who God has given us to call "family".  Here's some recents that include the Grandparents...

At Grandpa Terry's Surprise 70th Birthday in July.  I love this one-William's pulling his typical I don't want to show my face in the picture and everyone else is trying to get him to smile (o;  Classic.

It's a little blurry, but I love it anyway.  Calvin was doing what he does best-hamming it up and making Grandma Loretta laugh.  My boys are so lucky to have the two of you (o;

A visit by Grandpa and Grandma Clement, all the way from Minnesota.  We love you both!
(and only wish we saw you more often)
Grandma Marsha, thank you for always taking the time to spend with your grandkids.
You are such a precious gem to me.

And after eight long months of not seeing them (of which we decided we'll never do again!), we got some much needed time with Grandma Kim and Grandpa Greg!  


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