He is Risen!

Our Easter was a bit different this year.  Curtis had to work and Marsha was out of town on vacation, which meant it was just me and the boys for the day!  When I thought about it, I concluded that this might have been the first Easter not spent with extended family...Made me realize how thankful I am for them!  And despite it being different, the day was actually a ton of fun-just me and my boys! 

We had a little Easter fun while Dad was with us on Saturday and hit up the egg hunt in Canby with the Thorne family-Always a good time spent with them...

There's always a "better" way to wear your basket.

This was William's first time dying eggs (o;

The two little munchkins, Calvin and Jadrian (how much sand did you find in Jade's diaper Emily?)

Here the boys are Easter day.  I hid eggs in our backyard while the boys napped.  You should have seen William's excitement when he woke up and saw colored eggs in the yard!

Cute boy with his loot...

His basket was overflowing, so he (although a bit hesitantly at first) helped fill Calvin's.

Purposefully, I hid an egg that was empty.  William and I had talked prior to Easter about why we celebrate it.  Apparently the story stuck.  When asked why the egg was empty he replied, "Because Jesus is ALIVE!"

And because it was in the 70's and we had no agenda, why not a little yard work!  The boys LOVE to help! 

"Yay for dirt!" (and riding in the wheelbarrow)

Nothin' like a good 'ol play in the sawdust pile to end our day (we've got a HUGE pile of sawdust for our blueberry plants).

I could never explain how much I love these two....

Now this is more like it...

Showered, jammies and a big bowl of popcorn! 

It was such a good day-one you just reflect on and smile about (o;

Disclaimer: This post wouldn't be complete if I didn't add a bit of "reality" to it.  Boys will be boys (o;  There are no pictures of... the boys having a sawdust fight which ended in Calvin screaming because he kept rubbing his eyes with his hands which only put more sawdust in his eyes-poor boy.  Then, when I went to put them in the shower, a handful of rocks fell out of Calvin's onsie...Knowing that he couldn't have put them there himself, I asked "William, what are these rocks doing in here?" W: "He likes it." (with a smirky smile and nervous laugh)
M: "You boys are so silly!"  
Gotta love the antics.  I know there will be plenty more where that came form!


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