The Dentist!!

We started taking William to the dentist earlier this year.  Well, at least we attempted.  We figured we had to start somewhere and were eventually referred on to a kids’ dentist after we discovered at home that William might have what we thought was a cavity.   They were great.  Everything was kid friendly-right down to bubblegum flavored gloves (of which later, after a belly and back full of itching hives, we found out William was allergic to…latex, just like his Mama).  As nervous as William was, we made it through the first tooth exam only to discover that yes indeed, he had a cavity )o;

So, the next apt was made.  

Here William is after teaching him how to floss his teeth this past April:

Anyone who knows William, understands that anything he does for the first time (or the second, or the fifth) is done with a little apprehension.  He’s cautious-takes it all in before he feels comfortable.  Definitely nothing wrong with that.  Just made me wonder how going back to the dentist to get a cavity filled was going to go…I kept reminding myself that that’s all they worked with every day-kids, and that they’d likely ran into other boys similar to William.  I talked about the process days before the apt and by the time the day arrived, he actually sounded pretty excited to go (okay, he was definitely more excited about his “spot” (aka cavity) going away-like it was going to be magic or something-than mom had revealed about the whole process of what was about to take place in order to get that spot to go away).  After all was said and done, I left one impressed Mama.  This little man was rewarded for being so brave with three special treats:

(1)    He got to stay after the apt and play video games in the lobby (he surprised me at how well he played-not having anything like it at home!)

(2)    We stopped at a fruit stand and he got to pick out whichever fruit he wanted (his apple was HUGE!-pictures never do justice)

(3)    And we stopped at Macadonalds (William’s pronunciation of it) to get an ice cream cone! (Hopefully I’m not setting him up to want more “spots”)

Here he is playing with the parachute man he got from the dentist (anyone else remember getting these?  Good memories!)
Here’s to MORE brushing, FlossMan (a nifty contraption they gave us to help make flossing easier and actually fun for kids), fluoride tablets and hopefully no more cavities in his future!


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