Misc. Cuteness
There are always so many little things that happen during a day that I just don't want to forget... So, here's just a random jot down of all those "little things" WILLIAM William translation (a couple of my favorites): "Pepoh"=pillow (so therefore his dinosaur pillow pet = "pepoh pet"...too cute) "Chekup"= ketchup "Bobin"= bottom (this one is by far my favorite. Especially when he says, "Mom, my "bopin" itches!" "Pile"= smile (he's not too good at the "s" sound yet (o; ) **** The other day William got stung by a bee (for the second time in his little life). It got him twice, right on the top of his shoulder. After crying a bit and Mama holding him for awhile, he says through his sobs, "Mom, did the bee put honey in me?" He knows from Gpa Greg that bees make honey...Sweet William just got sweeter (o; **** Grandma Marsha told me this story: She was watering her...